Dress Code. Yes, there is one.

For all Ladies that are members of the Club and all Ladies that are their guests:

This Club is a dressy environment and aesthetic. Our female members are expected and required by The Management to wear “Sunday Best” glad-rags attire while in the Club: Dresses, slacks, or skirts, blouses, sweaters, nice coats, furs, etc. Fancy hats and gloves are not required, but they would certainly be encouraged and admired! Please NO; jeans, t-shirts, team shirts exercise clothes, casual outerwear, pajamas, casual headwear, or sneaker type shoes.

Dress Code. Again, yes there is one.

For all the Gentlemen guests of our Ladies that are Club members:

Our Gentlemen guests are expected and required by The Management to wear their “Sunday Best” clothing while in the Club: Dress shirt, tie, jacket, dress slacks, or suit. Please NO; team shirts, t-shirts, jeans, exercise clothing, casual outerwear, casual headwear, sweats, or sneaker type shoes.